012, #012 Part 1 of Tentative Musings about Single Herbs, Combination Medicines, Extracts, Extraction Methods,

Here are some tentative musings of mine, which may be amended, based on Reader Responses. Ayurveda for me is a daily subject of experimentation and studies. But, postings by me at this blog have been sparse because there are few readers. Caution and disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I do not intend this blog post to be a medical prescription. The discussion here is only for Educational Enlightenment purposes and to provoke thoughts. Single Herbs, or Combination Medicines 1) Use of single herb. Merit: If we ensure Ceterus Paribus (other things remaining constant) i.e. do not change our habits before&after consumption of the herb, if we take in reasonable minimum quantities, we can measure its +or- effect on body. If there is improvement, say after 10 days, we can continue. If needed, we increase dosage+frequency. If there are severe side effects we can discontinue. Most of the herbs listed in Telugu Materia Medica published by Ronanki Appalaswami & Sons (or a ...