This is not a medical advice. I am just writing from the information I collected from acquaintances, friends, and media. Readers must exercise caution.

Vaartha.com, a Telugu daily newspaper published an article by Dr. Chittibhotla Madhusudana Sarma, Ayurvedic Physician, Nandyal. Date of the publication: 13th January 2010.

The last paragraph of the article suggested some ayurvedic drugs to be used under medical supervision, following rules of diet, and adopting techniques like meditation. The following durgs prescribed therein, in my humble view, contain heavy metals like mercury and strong elements like sulphur :-

1. BhallAtaka vaTi.
2. ChanDa mAruta siMdhUram.
3. ArOgya vardhini vaTi.
4. rasa mANikya rasa.

It is good, that the columnist suggested medical supervision. This type of insistence on medical supervision we can see in case of allopathic drugs also. We know that both in allopathy and the ayurveda some preparations are poisonous because they contain caustic and strong ingredients which may injure delicate constitutions. What the prescribing doctor will do after the patient sufffering from side effects approach him? The physician may at the most advice the patient to discontinue the medicines. He may, sometimes, prescribe some antidotes. The question is, why administer the poisonous and venomous substances first and regret later?

A better choice, instead, will be : to suggest medicines which are harmless and side-effect-free.

The article under reference contains three suggested medicines, which may not contain harmful substances:-

1. KhadIrAriShta.
2. PaMcha tikta guggulu ghRutam.
3. maMjiShThadi kvAdhaM.

khadIrArishta is made from the bark of the plant Asiatic catechu. Family mimosaceae. A legume. Acasia genus plants, normally have thorns. Catechu is also a thorny plant. A search on internet shows me that the plant is also called "Jerusalem thorn".

We, in Andhra Pradesh, call catechu as 'kAchu' and use it in pans ('killIs'). Pan-chewers know its taste.

Rishtams (some people call 'arishtams') are liquid preparations made from boiling herbs and fermenting it for 40 days in vessels buried underground. They, should theoretically, contain self-generated alcohol.

daSamUlAriShTa, has KadIra, as one of the ten roots.

KadIra is said to work on piles also. It, therefore, follows that those who suffer from both the ailments (piles and psoriasis) can try this as a multitask remedy.

paMcha tikta guggulu ghRutaM

GRutam means clarified butter or "GI" in Hindi. "tiktam" means bitterness. "paMcha" means five.
guggul: Guggul is a resin produced from the plant : Commiphora mukul.Family: Burseraceae.
We, in India, get two types of guggul. 1. edible Guggil used in medicines. 2. Guggilam used in 'dhUp' i.e. incense sticks.

paMcha tikta : five bitter substances: 1. paTola 2. niMba. 3. bhUniMba. 4. rasna 5. parNa.

paTola: Trichosanthes lobata Roxb. Family : Cucurbitaceae .
We call this 'aDavi poTla' in Telugu language. poTla is a daily use vegetable in India. But, aDavi poTla is forest poTla. Some similarities may exist between the two.

niMba : Well-known as neam tree all over the world. Its bitterness, every child knows.

bhuniMba Andrographis paniculata. Family Acanthaceae. We call this 'nEla vEmu' in Telugu. A sort of neam. Called 'bhU' (earth) probably because its has an average height of a meter. Compare this with neam.

Botanical name : Vanda roxburghil. Family: Orchidaceae. We call this 'nEla usiri' in Telugu. Anti toxic.

Botanical name: This seems to be 'guDuchi'. Botanical name: Tinospora Cordifolia. We call this 'guDUchi' in Telugu also. Bitter taste. Quenches thirst.

manjiShThAdi kvAtham
kvAtham is a liquid obtained by boiling extracts with 16 times water and evaporating them to 4 times.

manjiShTa : Botanical name: Rubia cordifolia. Family : Rubiaceae. We call this 'manjiShta, chiranji, tamravalli' in Telugu. Blood purifier.

(To be continued).


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